Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Democratic hypocrisies coming soon to a theater near you

The Democrats will insist that elections do not necessarily have consequences. For weeks, Democrats have been insisting that The Donald should accept the will of the people as expressed through the outcome of the presidential election; now, like Peter Beinart this morning, they will insist that some things "are too precious to be put to a popular vote."

The Democrats will begin to appreciate the virtues of obstructionism. Alternatively, they will praise the virtues of bipartisanship.

After having pushed through Obamacare by a strict party line vote, the Democrats will bewail legislation passed along strict party line votes.

The Democrats will defend the use of the filibuster to block judicial nominees. For close to a year now, the Democrats have threatened to use the nuclear option to fill Antonin Scalia's seat on the SCOTUS as soon as Hillary was elected and they retook control of the Senate; now, Democrats will be outraged and cry foul when The Donald nominates a conservative and the Republicans use the nuclear option to fill Antonin Scalia's seat on the SCOTUS.

After 4 years of Obama using the phone and the pen to govern by executive order, the Democrats will bemoan presidential government by executive order.

After allowing President Obama to foist on the United States international deals on climate change and Iran's nuclear weapons without Senate ratification, the Democrats will now insist that all international deals be ratified as treaties by the Senate.

After having insisted for quite some time now that only Black Lives Matter, Democrats will suddenly realize that they need to pay attention to the plight of white, middle class voters, too (just so long as those deplorable troglodytes don't adopt extreme positions, like opposing gay marriage, or objecting to abortion on demand, or something equally benighted).

After Hillary and her PACs spent twice as much as Donald, the Democrats will insist once again that we must pass campaign finance reform.

After having been the beneficiary of nonstop, blatantly partisan, pro-Hillary media coverage during the campaign, the Democrats will once again denounce the biased political coverage of FoxNews.

After defending the rapist Bill Clinton for decades, the Democrats will find unfit for office a president who is guilty of serious sexual offenses against women.

And last, but not least: After not uttering a word of criticism during 8 years of Obama megadeficits, Paul Krugman will become a fanatical deficit hawk.

Full disclosure: I voted for neither Crooked Hillary nor for The Donald.

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