Sunday, April 6, 2014

How prescient Tom Perkins was. The Progressives do want to exterminate the "swarms."

How prescient Tom Perkins was when he called attention to the parallels between Nazi Germany's war on its "one percent," namely its Jews, and the progressive war on the American one percent, namely the "rich." As reported on SFGate:

    Protesters stood with signs and handed out flyers outside of a Google Ventures partner and entrepreneur’s home in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood Sunday, calling him a “parasite” and a “leech.” Flyers passed out at the protest said that Kevin Rose, 37, who founded Digg and several other web companies before joining Google Ventures, accelerates the growth of tech wealth in the city by investing in startups.

The flyers state:

    As a partner venture capitalist at Google Ventures, Kevin directs the flow of capital from Google into the tech startup bubble that is destroying San Francisco. The start-ups that he funds bring the swarms of young entrepreneurs that have ravaged the landscapes of San Francisco and Oakland.

The protest was sponsored by a group of anarchists (insofar as one can tell) who style themselves Counterforce. In an online post taking responsibility for the protest, they denigrate Mr Rose and his associates as "bros," threaten to "cut off their balls," demand that Google give $3B to an anarchist organization of their choosing," and close with the following threat:

    [If you do not give us the $3B,] get ready for a revolution neither you nor we can control, a revolution that will spread to all of the poor, exploited, and degraded members of this new tech-society and be directed towards you for your bad decisions and irresponsible activities. We advise you to take us seriously.

As I noted in a previous blog post, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum describes the boycotting of Jewish businesses under the Nazis in identical terms:

    When the Nazis came to power, the lives of German Jews changed drastically. On April 1, 1933, the Nazis carried out the first nationwide, planned action against them: a boycott of Jewish businesses. ... On the day of the boycott, Storm Troopers stood menacingly in front of Jewish-owned shops. The six-pointed "Star of David " was painted in yellow and black across thousands of doors and windows. Signs were posted saying "Don't Buy from Jews" and "The Jews Are Our Misfortune." [emphasis added]

The dehumanizing description of tech workers as "parasites," "leeches," and "swarms" is indicative of the mindset of these so-called Progressives. Tech workers in San Francisco, many of them young Asian or Indian men, are viewed by these nativists as just so many insects to be exterminated.

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