Friday, April 4, 2014

Eich, who opposed gay marriage in 2008, is out at Mozilla, but Obama, who opposed gay marriage in 2008, is still president

As the editors or National Review Online write:

    In 2008, Barack Obama and Brendan Eich both were against gay marriage. Senator Obama averred his support for the one-man/one-woman view of marriage, while Mr. Eich, a cofounder of the Mozilla web-browser company, donated $1,000 to support Proposition 8 — a California ballot initiative that had the effect of making Senator Obama’s avowed marriage policy the law in California, at least until a federal court overturned it on the theory that California’s constitution is unconstitutional. Barack Obama inexplicably remains, as of this writing, president of the United States of America, but Mr. Eich has just been forced out as CEO of Mozilla because of his political views. ... All [Mr Eich] did was write a $1,000 check to an organization dedicated to the previously unremarkable proposition that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, a position that was endorsed by the voters of California and is held today by many people of good will, including some who are gay themselves.

Let me only add that the only difference I can see between Eich and Obama is that, from the point of view of relevant experience, Eich was far better qualified to be appointed CEO of Mozilla a couple of weeks ago than Obama was to be elected Chief Executive of the United States in 2008.

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