Saturday, December 21, 2013

The left-wing war on high-tech companies escalates even further

I have posted multiple times (for example, here) about the war that Progressives, Liberals, and others on the Left are waging against high-tech companies.

So far this war has consisted of mere accusations: high-tech companies do not create enough jobs in America; high-tech companies engage in racist and sexist hiring practices (because they hire too many Indian and Chinese men and not enough blacks, Hispanics, and women); high-tech companies do not pay enough in taxes; high-tech workers are driving up rents. But now, this war has escalated into physical threats and actual violence against employees of high-tech companies. As reported on

    For the second time in two weeks, protesters angry with tech-boom gentrification in the Bay Area surrounded and temporarily blocked corporate shuttle buses full of tech workers — both in San Francisco and Oakland. This go-round, however, some activists apparently became destructive.

    A window was shattered and tires were slashed on a bus that was picking up Google employees at 7th and Adeline streets near the West Oakland BART Station, according to the Bay Area Council, which represents businesses that run shuttles. The damage was corroborated by photos on Twitter.

I cheer the protestors. Let them rage. There is no surer way to transform naively liberal high-tech workers into law-and-order conservatives than to have a mob of left-wing thugs attack their bus with bricks. Once awakened, these techies will begin to see that their interests are most certainly not aligned with those of the community organizer Obama and the Democratic Party, but rather with the Tea Party. The Left's attacks against "income inequality" and "racist hiring policies in Silicon Valley" directly threaten high-tech entrepreneurialism and are responsible for fomenting the class warfare and violence being directed against well-paid high-tech employees today.

Recall for a moment Mr Obama's famous statement: "If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." The ideology underlying this statement is directly antithetical to the principles on which Silicon Valley has been founded. Here in the Valley, entrepreneurs do risk everything every day to build businesses on their own. It is statements like Mr Obama's that undermine these principles, that infect the populace at large with an entitlement mentality, that directly encourage mobs on the Left to think that society owes them something, and that incite them to violence to defend what they have been persuaded they are owed.

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