Friday, December 13, 2013

Does this tin-pot dictator understand anything about how a real business works?

As Yuval Levin writes about the Caudillo's latest Obamacare pronunciamentos:

    [The Administration] is asking insurers to pay claims for consumers who haven’t paid their premiums, to treat out-of-network doctors and hospitals as though they were in-network, and to pay for prescription drugs not actually covered by the plans they offer. ... To “strongly encourage” insurers to take these kinds of steps (to use the Orwellian phrase of the HHS announcement), and to do it just a couple of weeks before the new system is supposed to start, suggests that the administration’s health experts mapped out how January is shaping up and had a collective heart attack.

Once again, Obama reveals that he has absolutely no understanding about how a business works. Like some tin-pot dictator, he attempts, on incredibly short notice in the midst of the Christmas season, to strong arm insurance companies into doing things that they never never agreed to do and that make no sense to the insurance companies economically. As Allan Einboden, CEO of Scott & White Health Plan, said, in what has to be the understatement of 2013:

    In terms of covering things when they haven't paid premiums, that we would be concerned about doing.

Said Karen Ignagni, head of America's Health Insurance Plans:

    [W]ith only weeks to go before coverage begins, continued changes to the rules and guidance could exacerbate the challenges associated with helping consumers through the enrollment process.

As WSJ comments:

    Officials even encouraged insurers to do something that normally would be anathema: offer coverage to consumers who sign up and pay a few days into the new year, but backdate the policies to Jan. 1. It wasn't clear how many carriers would take up the idea.

First, Obama and the Democrats pass legislation that causes millions of policies -- labeled by the Administration as "junk policies" -- to be canceled. Then, mere weeks before these policies are scheduled to be terminated, the Administration announces that insurance companies may extend these "junk policies." And now, the Administration announces that insurance companies are "strongly encouraged" to provide coverage for which premiums have not been paid.

Where has the rule of law gone? Are there any adults whatsoever at the helm in the White House?

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