Monday, September 30, 2019

Reflections on the whistleblower's report. Part 2

The Democrats are the real thugs in this episode, employing the methods of Lavrentiy Beria, the head of Joseph Stalin's secret police apparatus, the NKVD, who famously said: "Show me the man and I will show you the crime."

Even before he was inaugurated, the Democrats decided that Trump must be removed from office. Ever since, they have been desperately trying to manufacture a charge that can serve as a pretext for his removal. The first charge they trotted out was that Trump colluded with Russia. Now that it has been shown that that dog won't hunt, they have invented another charge, namely, that Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to manufacture dirt about Biden. And, isn't it funny how all these charges seem to be emanating from the American "intelligence" community and how the CIA's requirement that whistleblower reports be based on first hand information was mysteriously eliminated before the whistleblower's report, based on second hand hearsay, was submitted?

The current impeachment inquiry will not be an impartial and unbiased investigation into the question of whether a crime has been committed. Rather, the Democrats already know what verdict they will reach. They reached that verdict on election night in 2016. What we will be seeing in the House of Representatives is not the administration of justice, but merely a show trial, like those in the Soviet Union during the 1930's, a trial whose outcome has been predetermined. And yet, we are being told that it is Trump who is undermining the American republic.

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