Saturday, August 5, 2017

It is liberals, not conservatives, who use Asian Americans as "tools"

In a column in The Washington Post, entitled Don't use Asian Americans to justify anti-affirmative action policies, law professors Nancy Leong and Erwin Chemerinsky write:

    Given the many ways that affirmative action benefits Asian American students and their communities, we should see conservative solicitude for Asian Americans “harmed” by affirmative action as strategic rather than genuine. Conservative opponents of affirmative action have not, generally speaking, taken an interest in other issues that affect Asian American welfare in unique ways, ranging from employment discrimination to health care to immigration.

    So why the conservative concern when it comes to affirmative action? The answer is that Asian Americans provide a convenient tool for opponents of affirmative action. By framing opposition to affirmative action as concern for Asian Americans, opponents of affirmative action can protect the existing racial hierarchy — with white people at the top — while disguising their efforts as race-neutral rather than racially motivated.

If affirmative action policies "benefit" Asian Americans so much, why did the Asian American community in 2014 oppose State California Constitutional Amendment 5 (SCA 5) so strongly that it had to be tabled? At the time, the Mercury News, in an article entitled California affirmative action revival bill is dead, reported:

    A bill that would have let California voters reconsider the state’s 16-year-old ban on race-conscious college admissions is off the table, its author announced on Monday. Constitutional Amendment 5 passed the state Senate in late January on a party-line vote [Democrats all yes, Republicans all no] but ran into an unexpected wave of resistance — mostly, from Asian-Americans concerned that affirmative action policies would unfairly disadvantage Asian applicants to the intensely competitive University of California system. After an about-face by three Asian-American senators who voted for the bill in January, Sen. Ed Hernandez, D-West Covina, is putting the bill on hold — and making no promises about its revival.

Obviously, it is not conservatives, but rather liberals, like the leaders of the California Democratic Party and professors Leong and Chemerinsky, who think that Asian Americans are such stupid "tools" that they are unable even to recognize what is in their own best interest.

To understand the real situation, all Professor Chemerinsky, the dean of the UC Irvine law school, needs to do is step outside his office and take a walk around his campus. According to the website, Asian students make up 40.7% of the students at Irvine, a wonderful testimony to the vibrant diversity on his campus (like many liberals, Professor Chemerinsky is likely unable to recognize "Asian diversity" as real diversity). This impressive number is not the result of affirmative action policies, but rather of the academic excellence and hard work of Asian American students and of the strong support and encouragement they receive from their families. This strong showing of Asian students would only be reversed if the affirmative action schemes of the Left were revived in the UC system. It is almost criminal that liberals continue to urge Asian Americans to behave in a way so detrimental to their interests.

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