Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Two GOP Senators Say They Will Oppose Education Nominee Betsy DeVos

So reports WSJ.

If Republicans can't even get behind the friggin' Education Secretary, that spells trouble for the rest of Trump's cabinet. Imagine what RINO senators like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will do when they are called on to vote for Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA.

Susan Collins just ought to get it over with and switch parties to the Democrats. I am so tired of her posturing.

As for the emails, letters, and phone calls Lisa Murkowski received from her constituents expressing opposition to DeVos, I would bet money they they came largely from Democratic school teachers egged on by the teachers' unions. WSJ reports:

    Ms. Murkowski said that she would also vote against Ms. DeVos because thousands of Alaskans have called, emailed, and shown up in person to voice worries similar to her own.

Really? How likely do you think it is that thousands of Alaskans spontaneously woke up one morning and thought it was important to importune their senator to oppose Betsy DeVos? How many of them knew beforehand who Betsy DeVos was? Much more likely is that the letter writing and phone calls were part of a smear campaign organized by Democrat operatives. The Republican Party needs to investigate what went down in Alaska. How many of the emails came from public school teachers? How many of the emails were form letters provided to them by the teachers' unions? The teachers's unions just rolled Lisa Murkowski and she probably doesn't even realize it.

The Republican Party also needs to go into the states that Trump won and where Democratic senators are up for reelection in 2018 and egg on some of their own partisans to write emails to their own senators, telling them: if you vote to reject DeVos, you will lose my vote in 2018.

This development plainly reveals what the Democratic strategy is going to be with respect to Trump's cabinet and Supreme Court nominees: seek to bully weak-kneed Republican senators in states with small populations that can be easily mobilized. The Republicans need to wake up and oppose the fast one the Democrats are trying to pull.

Then Senator Obama, talking about Chicago politics, once said: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” Well, the Democrats have come out with their guns blazing. The Republicans need to roll out the bazookas, defending Trump's nominees with the same kind of shameless and steely chutzpah with which the Democrats defend their own.

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