Saturday, December 24, 2016

Our anti-Semite-in-Chief is at it again

President Obama ordered the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, to abstain from a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements on the West Bank, thereby allowing the resolution to pass.

It is difficult to stand by and watch as this man's personal prejudices become American foreign policy. The Left will fall in line without any further reflection because he is "their guy." As a result, the practice of defending Israel, which has been the consistent policy of American presidents of both parties for decades, will be tossed aside and branded as Trumpian extremism. And Jeremiah Wright style anti-Semitism will become a new plank in the platform of the Left, who will cheer attacks on Israel without even realizing that the Pied Piper Obama has led them down the road to anti-Semitism.

And all this is happening a mere couple of weeks after the Left were flinging charges of anti-Semitism at Trump himself and wringing their hands because they were so worried that Trump would destabilize American foreign policy. Now we see that it is rather Obama who is undermining American foreign policy.

Just a couple of weeks ago there was an enormous uproar on the Left because Trump took a call from the President of Taiwan, thereby deviating from a policy that had been followed for decades. Now, the Left will say nothing as our President cavalierly discards one of the most constant and distinctive features of post-WWII American foreign policy.

What other destruction will this petulant lame duck President wreak in the next month out of sour grapes because the Democrats lost the election? It is as if the Democrats are trying to smash as many of the toys as possible on the way out because they will not be allowed to play with them any more.

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