Sunday, April 3, 2016

A misquote and a quote, both worth thinking about

Imagine the hypocrisy of an Administration that requires everyone to prove that they have bought health care insurance but opposes laws requiring everyone to prove they are citizens in order to vote. Then imagine the additional irony of the fact that undocumented aliens who cannot prove their citizenship may receive health care benefits paid for by those who are forced to buy health care insurance because they are citizens. These observations are sometimes attributed to Ben Stein, but this attribution is incorrect. The observations are, nonetheless, worth thinking about. I have added the relevant documentary links.

In just the last two tax years alone, my wife and I have paid in excess of $6000 in additional 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax to support Obamacare. This is not our payment for health insurance for ourselves or our children, which we are happy to pay and is separate, but an additional tax that we pay to support the health insurance of others. And yet, if we complain about being forced to pay this tax, we are thought of as troglodytes or neanderthals for being unwilling to contribute our "fair share" of the upkeep of the brave new progressive world. This all reminds me of the other observation, this one correctly attributed to Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend."

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