Thursday, September 11, 2014

The two Rays

When this Ray Rice thing first broke a couple of weeks ago, I told my son's girlfriend: I don't get it. I don't know why more women are not completely outraged. Pete Rose is banned for life for placing a couple of bets on his own team. This asshole gets suspended for a measly two games for knocking his wife out and dragging her unconscious body out of an elevator?!?

I don't understand why the NFL had to wait for the second video inside the elevator before jettisoning this guy. The first video of him dragging his wife out of the elevator and then standing there looking nonchalant and disgusted while his wife lay on the floor like a limp rag doll was quite bad enough. If, in a fit of passion, I had punched my wife and knocked her cold, I would be on my knees begging her forgiveness, ministering to her, with my cellphone out calling an ambulance. Wikipedia defines psychopathy as characterized by "disinhibited or bold behavior" and "diminished empathy and remorse." By this definition, the violence of Rice's act and the coldness of his response were psychopathic. The NFL should have immediately banned him from the game for life.

And then, after all that happened, the goddamn Niners let Ray McDonald play after he was arrested for domestic violence? Yes, due process must be allowed to take its course, but haven't they ever heard of administrative leave, for goodness sakes? And if the NFLPA sues you, Mr York, suck it up and pay the damages. You will gain far more by maintaining the goodwill of your female fans than you will lose by paying off a lawsuit. And imagine the ignominy that would engulf the NFLPA if they actually did sue.

The NOW nags are going to be out in full force protesting this weekend at Levi's stadium. Deservedly so. What a shame for opening day at Levi's Stadium to be tarnished by such ineptitude in the Niners' front office. What a shame for the entire NFL to be tarnished by their apparent lack of concern for domestic violence.

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