Saturday, May 17, 2014

Vanila Singh, Republican candidate for 17th Congressional District in California, opposes SCA-5 and irresponsible government spending

In a recent blog post, I criticized SCA-5, the constitutional amendment proposed by the California Democratic Party that would substitute racial discrimination for meritocratic considerations in the admissions process at the University of California.

On her website, Dr. Vanila Singh, Republican candidate for Congress in my 17th District in California, expresses similar views on the issue:

    The American Dream is firmly rooted in education. Recently in Sacramento, some lawmakers proposed to reintroduce racial discrimination into college admissions with a bill known as SCA-5. In the two centuries since our country’s founding, many Americans have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of equality of opportunity, and the primacy of merit. Granting college admissions, promotions, or other rewards on the basis of race, sex or factors other than merit undermine their work and sacrifice. Now more than ever we should be rewarding our high achievers with choices, and not limit their ability to self determine. I stand against racially divisive politics, and will fight for fairness and excellence objectively and without prejudice. [emphasis added]

In that same blog post, I wrote about some of the personal and family values that I have encountered in my Asian, Indian, and Eastern European co-workers over the last 30 years in Silicon Valley:

    In my opinion, [immigrants from India, China, and Russia] are natural constituents of the Republican Party. My experience is that they have conservative family values. They believe that one should get ahead through hard work, not government handouts. They understand the financial mess the US finds itself in and find it repugnant. Their value system is decidedly entrepreneurial and meritocratic. Statements like President Obama's "You didn't build that" are counterintuitive to them.

On her website, Dr. Singh expresses similar sentiments:

    As a mother, I am deeply concerned that the opportunities we had for advancement in our education and careers are declining for our children. We continue to borrow for ourselves against their futures. Society is failing our children: the very definition of the American Dream—that the next generation will have better opportunities than their parents—is quickly moving out of their reach. Most middle class families feel like we are falling behind. We are seeing our jobs limited or outsourced—gone for good. We watch as the real costs of living—putting food on the table, gas in our cars, heating our houses, and educating our children—continue to soar. ... Washington spends our hard earned money irresponsibly—racking up billions of dollars in unpaid bills each day and asking us for more! A dollar wasted by the government is a dollar which cannot then be used for someone truly in need, in our schools, or on our crumbling infrastructure. What we spend should have some relationship to what we earn—just like we manage our homes.

Well put, Vanila. You go girl! You have my support and my vote.

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