Monday, September 9, 2013

Feinstein and Boxer defend Syrian children, but not unborn American babies

I sent an email to my Senators Feinstein and Boxer opposing President Obama's proposal to attack Bashar al-Assad. Senator Feinstein sent me the following form letter in response:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding the possibility of U.S. military action in Syria. I appreciate the time you took to write, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

    As the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I have convened several hearings to carefully review the intelligence with respect to the use of chemical weapons in Syria. In my view, the intelligence on this attack is very precise and very clear. It points directly to the Assad government.

    According to U.S. intelligence, this most recent attack killed 1,429 people, including 426 children. I have reviewed video of these heinous attacks, and to see row after row of young children, some in their pajamas, gassed to death is a shock to the conscience and demands action.

    The use of chemical weapons is absolutely prohibited by international law. If the United States takes no action, it will send a signal to the rest of the world that the use of chemical weapons will be countenanced. I will vote to support a defined and limited military action, because the conscience of the world demands a response when chemical weapons are used against civilians.

    While I believe an international response is necessary, I continue to support diplomatic efforts to end the civil war in Syria. Assad has killed more than 100,000 of his own people. More than five million Syrians have been internally displaced, and more than two million have fled the country in deep fear. The international community must join together to secure a negotiated peace for the Syrian people.

    Please be assured that I am being as careful as I possibly can about the authorization of military force, and I will keep your thoughts in mind as the Senate discusses U.S. policy towards Syria.

To her email I sent the following email in response:

    Senator Feinstein,

    In response to my email opposing Mr Obama's proposal to attack Syria, you wrote:

    "According to U.S. intelligence, this most recent attack killed 1,429 people, including 426 children. I have reviewed video of these heinous attacks, and to see row after row of young children, some in their pajamas, gassed to death is a shock to the conscience and demands action."

    So, you find the killing of 426 innocent children "heinous" and a "shock to the conscience." President Obama has labeled the murder of these innocent children to be "abhorrent" and Secretary of State Kerry has referred to Mr Assad's actions as a "moral obscenity." And yet, you and the rest of the Democratic Party continue to support partial birth and late term abortions.

    It is the height of moral hypocrisy for you to be willing to send American troops to defend Syrian children while you refuse to defend unborn American babies. I would certainly be willing to support US military action against Mr Assad if you in exchange would condemn the heinous, abhorrent, and morally obscene practice of partial birth and late term abortions.

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