Sunday, August 12, 2012

Coming out

After much soul searching, I have decided to follow the example of such noteworthy celebrities as news anchorperson Anderson Cooper and come out of the closet and publicly declare my sexual orientation to the whole world: I am a heterosexual. Yes, the fact is: I am a guy.

This was not an easy decision for me to make. Living as a guy in the Bay Area can be very trying at times, in particular, when one has the added pressure of being a socially conservative, white guy. There is so much intolerance for guys in Northern California. I have been subjected to so many hurtful and insensitive guy-bashing comments over the years. In spite of this, I have decided to stand up for my guy rights and let the world know who I really am.

It has been difficult for my family to accept my public declaration of my sexual orientation. Many family members have been ashamed of me for years. Some called me a butch jerk. Some said that my heterosexuality was just a bad choice or a passing phase; with adequate conversion therapy, they claimed, I would be able to overcome my guy impulses. But, when I stood my ground and made clear to them that guy is what I am by nature, little by little, they came around. After all, they only want what will make me happy. Over time I think I have gained their grudging respect. My dream is for all of us one day to be able to walk arm in arm down Market Street in San Francisco in a Guy Pride parade.

I just want everyone to know that I would not have been able to take the enormous step of coming out of the closet and declaring my open guyness without the loving support of my partner, Nancy. In spite of all the vilification that is heaped on heterosexual married couples these days, we have remained monogamous and devoted to each other for over 20 years, dispelling the common misconception that heterosexuals are unable to remain in stable, long-term relationships or raise children. I love, and I am loved.

So, yes, I have embarked on a new era in my life, an era where I shout to all the world unashamedly: I am a heterosexual! I am looking into taking classes in Guy Studies at my local community college to increase my guy awareness. I have also decided to become more politically involved and to dedicate my life to the struggle for guy rights. I call on the members of our government, and, in particular, on President and Mrs Obama, to announce their unqualified support for the guy life style. Only when our leaders are not afraid to step forward and defend all of us, including guys, will tolerance and diversity finally blossom.

I hope that by coming out of the closet and living as an open guy I will help to serve as a role model for other Bay Area heterosexual men and help them take the difficult, yet liberating, step of acknowledging publicly that they, too, are guys.

1 comment:

  1. I knew it! My guydar is never wrong. I've always known you were guy.
