Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obama and Young People

Why don't young people see through Obama's "we are all in this together" riff?

What Obama really means is that he wants to force all the young people to pay for benefits to be delivered to various special interest groups of Mr Obama's choosing.

Case in point: Obamacare. The mandate will force the young and healthy to pay higher insurance premiums to subsidize care for the sick and old. How is this different from the 1960's, when Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon forced our young people to serve and die in Vietnam to benefit the rest of the citizenry?

Obama pretends that he is concerned about our children and grandchildren. Please, Mr Obama. No one in this world is more concerned about my children than I am. And what I see is you and the Democrats loading them up with a mountain of debt that will crush them for the rest of their lives.

When will the protests break out? When will the marches be led through the streets? When are our young people going to wake up to the fact that the man they naively support with such effervescent enthusiasm is giving them a screwing for the ages?

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