Friday, February 10, 2012

ObamaCare and the Chevy Volt

Last week the Obama Administration announced a rule, based on the provisions of Obamacare, forcing all Catholic institutions — including charities, hospitals and schools — to provide and pay for insurance coverage that includes contraceptives, abortifacient drugs and sterilization procedures. This rule was greeted with massive opposition from the members and the clergy of the Catholic Church. So now, President Obama has retreated, offering up a new rule as an "accomodation." According to Time magazine, the new rule will work as follows:

    A Catholic hospital will provide health insurance to employees that does not include contraception; the insurance company servicing the hospital will reach out to female employees and offer contraception or contraception coverage without any copays or coinsurance.
Who does Obama think he's fooling? Women will receive coverage at no cost. The insurance companies will be forced to recover their costs somehow. They will do this by charging higher premiums to the other customers of the insurance companies, including the Catholic institutions. The end result will be the same: Catholic institutions will be forced to pay to support activities that they find morally objectionable.

ObamaCare comes to this. Instead of allowing you to buy only the various insurance coverages you want, it forces you to buy the coverages the government says you should buy. I can see the future: Instead of allowing you to buy the kind of car you want, the government will force you to buy the kind of car the government says you should buy, in all likelihood, one manufactured by a government owned car company.

All good comrades, who will be defined by Clint Eastwood on Super Bowl Sunday as those who rise above "the fog of division, discord, and blame," that is, all those who support Obama, the "post-partisan President," will drive the Chevy Volt.

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